DTH in India – My Interview to “The Analyst” March 2009 edition

ICFAI’s financial magazine “The Analyst” has come out with an article on DTH industry in India titled “DTH in India : Opportunity Beckons”. Incidentally, I was interviewed on the current challenges and opportunities facing the industry. The magazine is available for Rs.90, but if you wish to read an electronic copy of a specific article, you can buy the pdf for Rs.50 at the magazine’s website. 

You can find my interview here: DTH in India – My Interview to ICFAI Analyst Magazine (For reading the entire article, you have to buy the magazine or the pdf) 

Right pick for the avid techie – The Hindu Business Line Review

The Hindu Business Line has reviewed our “SCMAD Exam Guide” and gives a thumbs-up for the book.

Mobile developer stuff by D. Murali

Where does the true developer stuff start for an engineer aspiring to be a Sun Certified Mobile Application Developer? In ‘The MIDlet,’ say Ko Ko Naing, Sathya Srinivasan, Chad Davis, and Sivasundaram Umapathy in SCMAD Exam Guide: Exam CX-310-110 ( www.tatamcgrawhill.com).

“If a configuration is like the skeleton of the human body, the profile forms the rest of the body — the skin, muscles and so on. Following this analogy, sunglasses, tattoos and jewellery would translate to Bluetooth support, video capture and other technological bling — the optional packages,” the authors begin, in a chapter that shows ‘how to actually write applications for mobile phones.’

They define MIDlets as high-level conceptual applications much parallel to Java servlets and applets.

“These applications do not contain main method entry points like the lower level applications. These higher level applications are executed by being deployed in some other lower level application, such as a servlet container or a JRE plug-in.”

Right pick for the avid techie.

Source: as appeared in “Books 2 Byte” column on 2nd February 2009, The Hindu Business Line – The Hindu Business Line Review